Associative culture in France

Association : vie culturelle et sportive à Saint Germain en Laye

Associations in France :

France has a strong associative culture.
Not a village, not a municipality that does not have its association of, sports, leisure, cultural, etc …
There were 1.3 million associations in France in 2017.
The people who run an activity and who are volunteers in the associations represent 14 % of the population that means roughly 13 million of people, which is huge.
There are also 1,853,000 employees in the associations, no less than 10% of the private sector jobs.

Associations : music instrument pratice

Associations : music instrument pratice

Associations : Sport activities

Associations : Sport activities


Associations in Saint Germain en Laye 

The town of Saint-Germain en Laye is not an exception to the rule, it has about sixty associations, you will find below an overview of the variety of offering activities.
The surrounding municipalities also offer many possibilities.
If you, or your children, are attracted to the sport, a musical activity, language courses, or whatever, you can find the structure that suits you.

Associations : Theater and cinema

Associations : Theater and cinema

Logo Let Us Do ItLet Us Do It offers in its catalog of services, a module to help you to find and register the appropriate activities .


Example of associations in Saint-Germain-En-Laye:

LeisureEducation, extracurricular, learning French
LeisureSummer camp for 4 to 18 years old in France and abroad
LeisureGymnastics, walking, monthly cultural outing, friendly meal, scrabble, knitting
SportRock climbing, mountaineering and ski touring
SportSwimming in monopalme, bipalme, apnea, marine biology and underwater photography
SportSwimming, water polo
SportNordic walking, tai chi qi gong, relaxation, sophrology and nutrition
SportCourse à pied : courses sur route, trail, marathon, cross, piste.
SportMotivate moms to adopt a healthy lifestyle (cardio, muscle type)
SportQi Gong
SportField Hockey
SportBicycle tourism
SportTai Chi
SportAquagym, gymnastic, yoga
SportJapanese fencing
SportGymnastic, Zumba®, Body sculpting, Pilates
NatureLocal and organic products
Art and CultureArt and History of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Art and CultureTwinning with Winchester
Art and CultureSchool of Art, painting, watercolor, drawing, sculpture for adults or children.
Art and CultureSporting life at the IEP of Saint-Germain, promotion of gender diversity in sport
Art and Culture70 good choristers
Art and CultureChoral singing through a contemporary repertoire, musical and vocal training
Art and CultureQi Gong Wellness and Tai Chi Class; Chinese language, calligraphy and Chinese painting
Art and CultureDance with social and cultural purpose
Art and CultureFoundation dedicated to the restoration and opening to the public of Italian Heritage Properties
Art and CultureSchool of Performing Arts from 3 years old. Modern dance, theater, musical comedy, hip hop and singing
Art and CultureVisual arts, languages, music, dance, theater, sport and wellness, writing.
Art and CultureLink between civil society and the European Union, European network for Education and Training
Art and CultureHuman and artistic platform, relaxations and meditation workshops
Art and CultureSupport the influence of the work of the painter Maurice Denis
Art and CultureDances, Ragga, Dancehall, Afrobeat, New style, Hip hop
Art and CultureCulture, Travel, Sport, Gastronomy, Association in tribute to Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist
CharityFirst aid, social actions, solidarity projects, tutoring, help for the poor people
CharityAccess to school for all children in Mali without social distinction
Social actionsSociocultural Center
Social actionsCollection of new non-food products to redistribute them to people in difficulty
Social actionsHelp widows in their efforts and provide psychological help
Social actionsAccompany poorly housed and fragile households by providing them with decent housing
Social actionsAssistance to job seekers, research, training, French courses
Health and HandicapHome Day for People with Alzheimer’s Disease or similar
Health and HandicapPersonalized and confidential support to the families, adolescents, young people and adults in need
Local lifeAnimation, preservation of the heritage of the “Quartier de la rue de Lorraine” and neighboring streets
Local lifeProtecting the quality of life of the residents of the “Rue des Graviers, Sainte-Radegonde, Fourqueux”
Local lifeParent Association

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